The Big Battle

In this story you’ll come up to the characters Azalea a 29 year old girl, Annika a 28 year old girl and their boss a 50 year old man.


One windy evening Azalea and Annika told their boss that they needed more money for their food. But their boss told them they get enough money already so he wasn’t going to give them any more than what they get. So they walked back home and didn’t go back to work the next day. Days later Annika and Azalea started to feel really sad and hungrier every day.

A Week Later

Azalea and Annika’s boss rang and asked “Why don’t you two come to work?” so they replied “We won’t come back until you pay us more money and if you don’t we’ll put a strike on this job until you do”. So their boss told them “Fine don’t come back to work we’ll find other people to work for us so bye!” He hangs up the phone before Azalea and Annika get a chance to speak again.

Two weeks later. Azalea and Annika decided to put strikes on their job because their boss won’t give them more money.

One Month Later

“Good morning Azalea” said Annika. “Good morning to you to Annika” replied Azalea. I’m hungry, are you hungry Annika?” asked Azalea. “Yes I am hungry, thanks for asking Azalea. Let’s look in the refrigerator.” Replied Annika. They looked in the refrigerator. “There’s nothing there!!” they both exclaimed to each other. The phone rings. “Who could that be?” asked Annika. “I don’t know.” Replied Azalea. So they decided to pick up the phone. “Hello” asked Azalea. “Hello, would you like to do the shearing for me again, Annika and Azalea?” asked their boss. “Will you pay us more money?” they replied. “Yes I will, so will you work for me?” asked their boss. “Yes” they replied.

Azalea and Annika woke up happily the next day. They both got into their uniform and walked happily down to their job. When they got there they grabbed the shears and started working like they used to. At the end of the day they went to get their pay cheque from their boss, but he told them they already got it. “What do you mean we already got it?” they both asked with confusion. “Go home and look in your refrigerator and your cupboards, then tell me tomorrow what you find in there.” Replied their boss.

Annika and Azalea went home and looked in their refrigerator and cupboards. “WOW!” they both exclaimed. “How did all this get in here?” they asked each other. The next day Annika and Azalea went to work very happily. “So what did you find?” asked their boss. “We found stacks of food and drinks!” replied Azalea and Annika. Every day from here and on Annika and Azalea got plenty of pay cheques. Annika and Azalea were really happy that they won the Big Battle.